Part I: Persian Priorities
Briant, Pierre. From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire. University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns, 2002.
Engels, Donald W. Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978.
Herodotus. The Histories. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2004.
Holland, Tom. Persian Fire: The First World empire and the Battle for the West. London: Little, Brown, 2005
Lazenby, J.F. The Defence of Greece 490-479 BC. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1993.
Maurice, Frederick. The Size of the Army of Xerxes in the Invasion of Greece 480 BC. Journal of Hellenic Studies vol. 50 (1930), p. 115-128.
Part II: Rebels and Rails
Hattaway, Herman & Archer Jones. How the North Won: A Military History of the Civil War. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1983.
Hess, Earl J. Civil War Logistics: A Study of Military Transportation. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2017.
McDonough, James Lee. William Tecumseh Sherman: In the Service of My Country, a Life. New York: W.W. Norton, 2016.
Murray, Williamson and Wayne Wei Hsieh. A Savage War: A Military History of the Civil War. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016.
Sherman, William Tecumseh. Personal Memoirs of Gen. W.T. Sherman. New York: Charles L. Webster, 1890.
Shrader, Charles R., ed. United States Army Logistics 1775-1992: An Anthology. Washington DC: US Army Center for Military History, 1992.
Part III: Nazi Neglect
Bates, Aaron. “For Want of the Means: A Logistical Appraisal of the Stalingrad Airlift.” The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 29:2 (April 2016): 298-318.
Citino, Robert M. The German Way of War: From the Thirty Years’ War to the Third Reich. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2005.
Citino, Robert M. The Death of the Wehrmacht: The German Campaigns of 1942. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2007.
Creveld, Martin Van. Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Glantz, David M. & Jonathan M. House. When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler. 2nd Edition. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 2015.
Stahel, David. Operation Barbarossa and Germany’s Defeat in the East. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Part IV: Superpower Setbacks
Atkinson, Rick. The Guns at Last Light: The War for Western Europe, 1944-1945. New York: Henry Holt, 2013.
Creveld, Martin Van. Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Gropman, Alan, ed. The Big ‘L’ – American Logistics in World War II. Washington DC: National Defense University Press, 1997.
Overy, Richard. Why The Allies Won. New York: W.W. Norton, 1995.
Shrader, Charles R., ed. United States Army Logistics 1775-1992: An Anthology. Washington DC: US Army Center for Military History, 1992.
Spector, Ronald H. Eagle Against the Sun: The American War with Japan. New York: Free Press, 1985.
Taaffe, Stephen R. Marshall and His Generals: U.S. Army Commanders in World War II. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2013.
Vershinin, Alex. "Feeding the Bear: A Closer Look at Russian Army Logistics and the Fait Accompli." War on the Rocks, published November 23, 2021. Retrieved from