It is very hard to find good maps for this campaign. Below are a couple of passable examples. Maybe I should just start making my own...

Colonel Edward R.S. Canby, Commander of the Union Department of New Mexico, 1861-62

Colonel John P. Slough, 1st Colorado Infantry

Major (later Colonel) John Chivington, 1st Colorado Infantry

Henry Hopkins Sibley, Commander of the Confederate Army of New Mexico

Colonel John Robert Baylor, 2nd Texas Mounted Rifles, Governor of Arizona Territory

Alberts, Don. The Battle of Glorieta: Union Victory in the West. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1996.
Frazier, Donald S. Blood and Treasure: Confederate Empire in the Southwest. College Station, Texas: Texas A & M University Press, 1995.
Josephy, Jr., Alvin M. The Civil War in the American West. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991..
Whitlock, Flint. Distant Bugles, Distant Drums: The Union Response to the Confederate Invasion of New Mexico. Boulder, Colorado: University Press of Colorado, 2006.